Opinov8 Tips
11 March 2021
Opinov8 Tips
11 March 2021


How to wake up earlier and make yoga a part of your routine

When working remotely, we sit too much and move too little — to compensate for this, we need to find the best balance for both body and mind. Yoga is a perfect exercise to achieve that feat.

The beauty of yoga is that you don’t have to be a yogi or yogini to reap the benefits. Whether you are young or old, overweight or fit, yoga has the power to calm the mind and strengthen the body, as yoga is for everyone. 😉

Anastasiia T.  — Senior QA Engineer at Opinov8.
Anastasiia, one of the active participants of Opinov8 Yoga Classes (part of Opinov8 Sports Community - a group of people with common values and interests, who collaborate by sharing ideas and experience to drive excellence and meaningful impact). She shared with us her tips on how to wake up earlier and make yoga a part of your routine while working remotely. 🙃

As settling into a daily routine that includes sports, activity isn't always easy. However, it’s helpful to remember that even a couple of minutes of yoga can have positive benefits on your physical and mental wellbeing. So, get ready to find out how to do this. 🚀

“The yoga pose is not the goal. Becoming flexible is not the goal. Standing on your hands is not the goal. The goal is serenity. Balance. Truly finding peace in your own skin.”  

Rachel Brathen 

My yoga path started just 6 months ago. Like many of you, I thought that I was a night owl rather than a lark. I thought it took too much effort for morning yoga practice, as soon as I tried to get up earlier, I realized how many advantages it gives me. Here are some things that can help you wake up earlier and make yoga a part of your routine: 

1. Have a strong reason "Why?"

Yes, this is the first point and the most important thing. To start doing something new for a long time and constantly, you should have a strong desire. Run, workout, swimming, yoga, etc. It should be your choice and not because it is mainstream or someone tells you that it will be good. 

Tips: Be really clear about what you want to get out of the practice. It will help to develop a habit more smoothly.

2. Waking up earlier — go to bed earlier

We live at a fast pace, we spend a lot of time on gadgets, TV, video games. To be productive during the day and get up early, we should have plenty of sleep. Many types of research show that the time we go to bed and the duration of sleep is significant to our health. 

Tips: For best results, try to wake up the same time no matter what day of the week it is.

3. Try not to drink coffee before going to bed

The stimulating effect of caffeine lasts 3-5 hours, depending on our individual characteristics. Therefore, drinking coffee late at night can cause sleep problems.

Tips: What helps me — I drink coffee no later than 3 pm. 

4. Start small

When we think of big efforts, they are always delayed and tend to start before Monday, after the holidays, next month, next year, etc.

Tips: Try to practice every day for 15-20 minutes. It can help develop the habit. The more you practice, the more you can increase the duration. Consider having a mixture of easy and difficult sessions, as well as short and long practice times.

Morning practice

5. Relieve back pain and tension

We spend a lot of time sitting all day, and the lower back is a sensitive spot. Yoga is a gentle practice that is ideal for maintaining back strength and flexibility. It's also one of the more effective tools for helping reduce low back pain.

Tips: Set an intention for your practice just before you begin to practice. Always end your practice with a final relaxation pose.

6. Improve your mood

Yoga can help reduce depression, decrease stress and boost your mood.

Tips: Set up different sequences for yourself every day based on your needs to help yourself get the most benefits from the practice and keep you from getting bored. Instead of keeping your emotions on a roller-coaster, do yoga, get off that up and down chaos, and level out. 

7. Clear your mind 

One of the controversial issues in our work life is burnout when you are overwhelmed and mentally exhausted. Yoga gives us the tools to calm and clear the mind to experience more balance and peace in daily life.  

Tips: Morning yoga leads to calmness, which then leads to happiness. Start or finish your practice with a short meditation to calm your mind and center your thoughts.

8. Find an instructor and community

At Opinov8, we have a great opportunity to practice yoga online with our team and an awesome instructor :). She always provides several levels of difficulty, and you can choose the most convenient for yourself. Also, we have a yoga chat where we usually share our experiences and find support from colleagues.

Tips: You do not have to be able to do every yoga asana in existence to have an effective daily practice. Incorporating and mastering different poses can help you put together a daily practice that won’t get boring or routine. Always share your results with friends when there is a team of like-minded people around — it's always more fun, and you enjoy the benefits of your yoga session even more.

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