Migration to AWS Cloud: Instamotion Sucess Story


About the Customer

Created with simplicity in mind, it’s a platform that officially ends the time-robbing and tedious procedure of buying your dream car online. After conducting a thorough analysis and tests on car technical characteristics, it’s available for anyone as an excellent quality-price option.

InstaMotion platform is where customers can count on user-friendly navigation, high-quality customer support service, and seamless order and delivery procedure. Reality is better than expectations here.


The business challenge InstaMotion was faced with was the decreased delivery efficiency. Poor code quality distinctly slowed down the progress with functionality implementation and made the software unstable and difficult to modify. Apart from that, InstaMotion's existing Heroku-based infrastructure didn’t meet business requirements and our client considered migration to AWS as a cost-effective solution that promised a seamless deployment process and increased productivity of the development team.

Choosing Opinov8 as a technology partner brought a big team of innovation seekers together to deliver value.

About the Customer

Code rewrite

Invest your time in creating a new, or spend it on fixing an old. It depends on business objectives. When debugging became more challenging and the platform wasn’t running efficiently, Opinov8 suggested a cost-effective solution to successfully rewrite code from scratch to implement new user requirements.

Heroku to AWS

InstaMotion needed access to a more custom and scalable environment that could meet high computational demands, so having the AWS-certified DevOps specialists, Opinov8, assisted in migrating off Heroku. In addition to stability and affordability, a key benefit of migrating to AWS was the security reason, as the business could own its data for all 100%,
including the ability to encrypt it, move it, and manage the date of expiry.

Adopting AWS for Enhanced Scalability and Agility

Instamotion embarked on a strategic cloud migration, adopting AWS to transform its architecture. Central to this shift was Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) for container orchestration, enabling a seamless transition to microservices. To streamline traffic management, AWS CloudFront was integrated for content delivery, while API Gateway provided a unified interface for service communication. For infrastructure automation, CloudFormation templates were employed. QuickSight powered data visualization and analytics, and serverless functions were deployed using AWS Lambda. The database layer was enhanced with RDS for relational data and DynamoDB for high-performance NoSQL workloads. AWS Control Tower ensured governance and secure multi-account management. This comprehensive strategy resulted in superior scalability, resource optimization, and system resilience.


We have delivered a stable and revenue-generative platform that shows flawless performance, can easily withstand market changes, and is maneuverable on all sharp turns. Opinov8 team covers the testing part to assess the overall product usability, security, and compatibility.

By building the platform on microservices, the software is broken down into multiple component services that can be independently updated or adjusted without redeploying the entire application; thus, managing bug fixes and feature releases became seamless and faster. So, in case something fails, the whole platform won’t go down.
There are still many plans ahead with InstaMotion, so Opinov8 will keep introducing new ideas and best practices to derive the best result.

Technology Stack

Our expert team, proficient in a range of technologies from .Net to NodeJS, has adeptly integrated AWS ECS into our technology stack. By leveraging ECS, we are capable of deploying, managing, and scaling containerized applications more effectively. This integration into our diverse technology stack ensures that we are utilizing innovative and industry-proven solutions to meet your business objectives. ECS's seamless integration with other AWS services enhances our ability to deliver robust and scalable solutions tailored to your specific needs.

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